Emmabuntüs Forum
Collectif pour le réemploi des ordinateurs et distribution Linux basée sur Debian

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    • Messages: 14
Do you all accept funding for making emmabuntus possible?  Please provide a link for all to see because i do not see where the link is available.

Just finished getting someone going with Emmabuntus Debian.  I have a few other ?s

Does every user need to have an account that is passworded to take advantage of the security like that?

Why do the scroll bars on the side where the up and down arrows are, scroll so quickly?  When i touch the arrows, it as well homes to the top of the list or page ends to the bottom of the list.

We do appreciate you all's efforst with HP for printer set up support!  I have a lexmark printer that is as old as the HP i installed today and Lexmark's support of that printer of mine last support was for Ubuntu 10.04!  Lexmark should be ashamed of theirselves!  Better yet, the HP Device Manager worked with the HP printer and i received an error message back saying it wouldn't work with Debian 8.6 that was installed!  To my amazement it still printed fine and scanned great as well.  Only one thing i saw with the HP Deskjet 3510 was when selecting what i was scanning only the single or feeder option would work. The  text and photo setting would not accept my choice, so i had to use the single page option.  Please submit to your support staff.  May God bless you all with what you are doing for everyone who uses Emmabuntus!


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We not need funding.

I am not understand your questions and can you put  screen capture of mistakes ?

Can you put only on question by post because it is to complicate to manage more than one questions by past.


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    • Messages: 14
I already sent the system off i installed so i was only reporting what i found, sorry!

Also, would you happen to have a comparison chart showing which softwares are the same on each version compared with the Emmabuntus 3 64 bit 14.04  versus  the Emmabuntus 1.01 DE Debian 8.6?  It would be helpful for users to see if they want to upgrade to the Debian.

I really like the Debian because it is even quicker than 3!