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[solved] Update Checker does not work?

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    • Messages: 7
    • Les Kompie

i am using emmabuntüs 1.02 DE.

i am wondering what is wrong with the update checker.
in many times, when there is an update notification and i choose to do update, the update checker then asks for an administrator password.
after entering the administrator password, it does nothing. no application is updated, no error message either.

i also notice that, only sometimes, after entering the administrator password, the update checker then really proceeds updating the applications, just like other linux distros do. but this only happens several times. most of the time, the update checker just disappears without error message.

could anyone please explain what was going on, and how do i fix it?

merci de votre aide,
- les kompie
« Modifié: juin 25, 2017, 04:23:31 pm par leskompie »


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Hi  les ckompie,

This problem come because you are not typing the correct passord on the update windows.

The graphical applications don't send message when the password are not correct. It is not good but the application make this :(

Ig you are defined a user and admin password, some time, you need to use user password and other time admin password.

To make a test, you can open a terminal windows, and test this command : sudo apt-get update

You can test your password


  • Newbie
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    • Messages: 7
    • Les Kompie
thank you, sir.

i thought adminstrator and my own account's passwords are different things.
i will try it again when there is an update notifier window, sir.

by the way, is the update checker the same as executing "sudo apt-get update" ?

thanks again, sir.


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For me, I think than the password use for update notifier window and executing "sudo apt-get update" are the same.
Try to use the 2 password for test.


  • Newbie
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    • Messages: 7
    • Les Kompie
it works now, sir.

i retried updating by using System > Update Checker menu, and then using my account password, and it worked.
it seems that my administrator password is used when installing a new application, such as .deb applications, but when doing system update, it will need my account password instead.

thank you very much for your help, sir, i really appreciate it.
-les kompie