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Missing iwlwifi-6000g2a-6.ucode on text install EmmaB 5.0 64 bit

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Hi there,
I tried to install the new EB5 thru regular (Debian) text install, and it failed due to missing "iwlwifi-6000g2a-6.ucode".
I never had this issue before nor do I have it when I install Debian Bookworm.
Did anyone face the same issue? When I boot it live, all works without problems.
I don't wanna install it thru Calamares. I don't like Calamares. It does not work well with disc encryption.
Thanks for your feedback.


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Hello Patrick,
No, we have not received any feedback on this problem.
I tried installing a 64-bit DE5 in text mode and UEFI and I have no problems.
Could you send me a photo so I can see this error message?
Try disabling the wifi device in bios for installation.
Best r'egards,


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I have no idea why this does not work. With Bookworm I have no issues, but here I get this strange error message. See pictures below.
I have a Thinkpad X230. Last Emmabuntus version 4.0 was running perfectly.
Merci bien

« Modifié: septembre 08, 2023, 08:43:52 pm par patrick72 »


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Hello Patrick,
For me this is not a blocking problem, and either on the 2nd screenshot you select the 1st line ethernet card,
or on the 3rd screenshot you press the tab key to select No and you you can continue with the installation.
Best r'egards,


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Merci Patrick,
Yes, in fact it is blocking problem. I can not finish the installation. You see, I don't have wired internet at home, but use WIFI thru my 5G cell phone (hotspot).
So I can not continue with the ethernet install option.
Best regards,


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Hello Patrick 72

And by sharing the 5G connection via USB rather than wifi with your phone?
Then choose ethernet if the question is still asked.

freely (not free like "free beer" but free like "free speach")

« Modifié: septembre 09, 2023, 07:57:07 pm par alain-tux »
PC : Desktop HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC | CPU : i7-2600 | RAM : 4GB | GPU : AMD RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650]
OS : emmade5 | Kernel: 6.1
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?


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Hello Patrick 72,
Yes you can continue with the Ethernet option because it is not necessary to have an Internet connection to install Emmabuntüs.
We are testing the Emmabuntüs installation without an Internet connection and it is the aim of this Linux distribution to be able to be installed without Internet.
Best regards,


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Salue Patrick & Alain,

Thank you for your answers. Yes, I'm aware of the USB-tethering option. I tried that as well, thru the enp0s25 ethernet option. I also get a DHCP network fail. Automatic detection does not work. Manually I did not try because I simply don't know. The only option I have is to proceed with "no network" but at this point I did not bother further and gave up.

Yes Patrick, I know I can install it without internet, but - correct me when I'm wrong - you have to boot the live option and do the installation thru Calamares. I do not like Calamares. I does not handle disc encryption nicely and has problems with non-US keyboard layouts. See here:


Anyhow. I will wait till the .2 release. Till then I will continue with EB 4.0 which is still running great.

Thanks Patrick for providing Emmabuntus. This is a very great distro and project behind.



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Hello Patrick 72,
when I say you can install without Internet it is using the classic installer not calamares.
You must select the enp0s25 option, then the installer will start searching for dhcp which will fail and then select install without network then you continue the installation.
Best regards,