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Facing problems in both emma de2 and de3

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I installed emmabuntus de3 alpha few days back but there faced a power manager problem. When I use the power manager to turn off display/monitor after 1 or 2 min, the display goes off and monitor completely shuts down. The display never returns no matter how much I move the mouse or click on several keycaps of keyboard. I would have to reset the pc to get the display of the desktop.

After that I installed emmabuntus de2 1.04 but faced an awkward problem.  Whenever I choose  emmabuntus de2 distro from grub menu, instead of loading to desktop it fails to load to desktop, restarts from the beginning until the grub menu appears and I have to choose again  emmabuntus de2 distro until it loads to desktop. It takes one or two times of restart after I would choose emmabuntus de2 from grub menu and then it would finally load to desktop.

I am not understanding why such problems are happening since I really like to use  emmabuntus de2 or  emmabuntus de3 alpha distro. Any kind of suggestion or advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Hi tantrik,

For your first problem on Emmabuntüs DE3, what is the  power manager to turn off display/monitor  ?

It is the power button of the monitor ?

You can try this keyfunction CTRL+ALT+F5 to go on tty console 5, and after this keyfunction CTRL+ALT+F7 tu go on graphic session.

For your second problem, I have not solution, and perhaps try to use the last line of grub named : Emmabuntüs ... (Mode for back screen problem)

Best regards.


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Hi tantrik,

For your first problem on Emmabuntüs DE3, what is the  power manager to turn off display/monitor  ?

It is the power button of the monitor ?

No, I used the xfce4-power-manager application to turn off display of monitor within 1 or 2 min. The xfce4-power-manager application is installed in emmabuntus de3. After 1 or 2 min the xfce4-power-manager application will turn off display of monitor completely and the monitor display will never return until pc reset. Normally when you turn off display of monitor through xfce4-power-manager application, the monitor display will go blank/turn off and will return as soon as you move the mouse or press any keycap of the keyboard. Now this is not happening. The monitor is shutting down completely even the pc/cpu does not shut down.



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I see the xfce4-power-manager and I have make take in live mode with Emmabuntüs DE 3 Alpha 32 bits, and I have see 2 minutes for switch off the monitor.

I don't see this problem, and when I touch the mouse, the monitor go on.

Have you test the keyfunction  CTRL+ALT+F5  and  CTRL+ALT+F7 ?


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I have make take a test in install of Emmabuntüs DE 3 Alpha 32 bits, and I have not see this problem.

Do you use a portable computer ?


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I have make take a test in install of Emmabuntüs DE 3 Alpha 32 bits, and I have not see this problem.

Do you use a portable computer ?

No I don't use a portable computer. Its a desktop pc. I installed emmabuntus de3 alpha 32 bit previously on my hard drive and faced the xfce4-power-manager problem which I stated in the previous post. If you are not facing any problem with  xfce4-power-manager but I am facing then is it related to hardware issue? I am using intel core i3-4130 processor with 4GB (2*2GB ram stick) memory. I am able to run windows 8.1 in this pc with an ease.

Have you test the keyfunction  CTRL+ALT+F5  and  CTRL+ALT+F7 ?

I will install emmabuntus de3 alpha 32 bit on live usb tomorrow and use the two commands you mentioned above and let you know the results I get. Thanks for the feedback on xfce4-power-manager from your end.


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I installed emmabuntus de3 alpha 32 bit on live usb and made the monitor display to turn off in 1 min from xfce-power-manager. I moved the mouse, pressed some keyboard keycaps but the monitor display would not return. After that I used the command CTRL+ALT+F5 then a black screen would appear where I could see tty5 shown above and thereafter I used the command CTRL+ALT+F7 and finally the graphical desktop would appear. I repeated the same process again but used the command CTRL+ALT+F7 first but to no avail. The graphical desktop only appears if the commands CTRL+ALT+F5 and CTRL+ALT+F7 are used consecutively.

I am still not understanding why the monitor display does not appear even when the mouse is moved or keyboard keycaps are pressed. Is there anyway to resolve this issue without any use of commands? Because this does not happen in emmabuntus de2 32 bit. There monitor display would appear as soon as I would move the mouse. Emmabuntus de2 32 bit has a different issue which I stated in the first post. 


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I think the screen on come back on EmmaDE3 should only appear when make the commands CTRL+ALT+F7.

It is possible than the problem of screen off when you used xfce-power-manager is specific on your computer because, I have make tests in live mode with 3 computers : 2 fix HP differents and on portable Dell. And I not see this problem.

If you want, I can send you a address to download the future EmmaDE3 Beta. Send me a mail at this address : http://contact.emmabuntus.org

I had this problem when I started working on Debian 10 for 4 months ago, and I had it for a month. Now I do not have it anymore.

For the issue of EmmaDE2, I never seen, and I don't reproduce the problem on my computer, I can't resolved.


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I found a post about a problem of  xfce4-power-manager on Debian Buster : https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/b4btbn/debian_buster_xfce_power_management_is_not/

The problem is function of graphic card and the screenlocker.

Try to deactivate screenlocker.


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Thanks for your suggestions. I visited the link you provided and got some ideas to resolve the problem I am facing with emma de3 alpha. I always deactivate screenlocker whenever I install any linux distro. There is an option in emma de3 alpha grub at the bottom, which is something like "black/blank screen problem mode". If I choose that, the monitor display never turns off no matter how much I try to turn it off from xfce-power-manager within 1-2 min. That is an advantage the complete power off of the monitor display never happens but the monitor display never turns off for energy saving which I prefer the most. I guess I will have  to wait for the future updated/upgraded version of emmbuntus de3 which will not possess such problems. Thanks for everything.