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Greetings from Finland !

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I am a grandpa (85) living alone with my two dogs. Recently we reside in the city of Oulu in Northern Finland. Usually I stay in an island on the Gulf of Finland.
As my hobby I have collected used pccomputers to install various Linux and BSD or Haiku distributions on them. That I have done about 20 years.

Nowadays most of my computers have stopped working but happily some of them still start. So I can continue my hobby both in Oulu as on the island.  It is the place my dogs prefer. Unfortunately for the sake of the pandemia (Covic-19) I must stay here a long time before being free to travel  :'(

But Linux is still free  :-*

Hi! Something strange seems to happen to the text I type. But one never mind ::)


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Thanks fossiili for your post, and staying home is best right now. Using Linux can be a good occupation :)


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hello fossiili and welcome to the forum of emmabuntüs ;)
PC : Desktop HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC | CPU : i7-2600 | RAM : 4GB | GPU : AMD RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650]
OS : emmade5 | Kernel: 6.1
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?