I am using Emmabuntus for quite a long time, and I am very happy with it. The reason why I'm using it is that it runs a) very stable and does not give me any troubles and b) it comes with so much useful stuff install so I don't have to bother with additional installs. I would like to say thank you to the developers to provide such a nice Linux distribution.
The reason why I write this post is, that I am unable to setup home encryption. I know, EB offers encrypted drives, but that is not what I am looking for. I share my computer with other people and it is crucial to all of our privacy that each users home directory is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
Debian 10 (Buster) does not support ecryptfs-utils anymore and if I try to use the deb file out of an older Debian ppa it won't work. Is there an easy work-around for a non-prof-user like me to setup home encryption on Emmabuntus? I tried almost everything posted on the internet, but I failed.
Thank you for any useful hint. Keep up the good work on EB!