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Initramfs issue after install Emma 4

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Salue Patrick,

I wanted to try the new version. I installed it as usual through the Debian text installer. No big deal. I have done that around 100 times. I used full disc encryption LVM. I installed it 2 times, once through Legacy mode, and once through UEFI mode. Install works like a charm. All OK, but once the PC reboots, I get the following message after the Grub screen disappears. See below picture. What could that be? Did anyone experience the same problem?
Thanks and best regards. Looking forward to use Emma 4. I hopefully get it working soon.


PS: I can't upload a picture. The max size for attachments is only 192 KB, which is too little to be useful. Here is the error message text:

BusyBox v1.30.1 (Debian 1:1.30.1-6+b3) build-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
(initramfs) _


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Hi Patrick72,

Indeed, the size of the images is very small on our forum, it is the default setting. You can drop pictures here https://imgbb.com/ and give us the link.

From what I see in this post below it would come from hard drive encryption. Try what is put in this post and let us know if it works for you : https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=287518

Very best regards,



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Salue Patrick. Thank you. I tried what was written in this link you provided. It did not work. I also tried other hints, for instance this one here:
I also tried some other links with hints to solve this problem. No success. It did not work out. In order to check if this is Debian issue, I also installed Debian 11 XFCE using full disc enryption LVM. I had no issues with Initramfs. I must therefore assume that this is a Emmabuntus issue only. Since I don't have that much time to look into that further I will just wait for the next/first point release. Maybe this issue will be solved by then. Anhow, thank you very much Patrick for keeping this distribution alive.
Cheers. Patrick


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Hi Patrick72,

Thank you for your feedback, and to redo your tests could you answer these two questions:

- On EmmaDE4, did you perform the classic installation or the installation by Calamares?

- What exact version of Debian 11 did you use and please give me the ISO link?

For example I see one of these two ISOs which may match the ISO you used:

- https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-11.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
- https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/debian-live-11.0.0-amd64-xfce.iso


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Hi Patrick72,

Indeed it is missing a package in Emmabuntüs de4 to allow the support of an encrypted disk.

By adding the cryptsetup-initramfs package it works now in Classic installation that still does not work with the calamares installer.

I just put this version corrected here and we will interace this in the next update of Emmabuntüs official.


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Hi Patrick,
Thank you. My answers as follows:

    I tried the classic Debian text install (Calamares does no good job for encrypted installs due to key-layout problems)
    I tried 2 different Debian versions, all non-free. See link and file name below. Both worked fine out of the box. No Initramfs issues.

ISO: debian-live-11.0.0-amd64-xfce+nonfree.iso

ISO:  firmware-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso

Best regards,


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Dear Patrick,

I have a similar initramfs issue.

The problem is that the link you gave seems to be dead:
http://download.linux-live-cd.org/Emmabuntus/Partage/emmabuntus-de4-amd64-11.0-1.01a.iso  is no more active.




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Hello Alban,

The link I gave was a temporary test link, and you can test this version which should be released in early January 2022:

MD5: 191ccae4995a5639276a7f217eff4cbb
SHA1: 9c113de540a1ad8631e24ac39f6e6f24ecb3cabe
SHA256: 7e508601db1c2fdfcaaa65857a864ef5eb496677c8c920ee35936fbdaff5f06a

Best regards


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Dear Patrick,

Thank you for the link.
This version works like a charm out of the box !

Best wishes for 2022.



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Hello Alban,

Thanks you for your feedback, and happy new year.