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Emmabuntus3-desktop-14.04.4-1.03 great for old PC! Will de-i386-jessie also be?

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I am so happy that Emmabuntus3-desktop-14.04.4-1.03 works so well as full multiboot (along with WinXP) install for my old PC, with mobile broadband (Aldi/MedionMobile USB):

Processor: AMD Athlon XP 1700+
CPU: 1466.807 MHz i386 32bit
Memory: 1001.5 MiB
Display: NV11(GeForce 2 MX/Mx 400)
Harddisk: 80 GB

Neither Xubuntu 14.04 nor Lubuntu 14.04 do so well (bad or invisible icons). I just hope, that next year's necessary (?) upgrade to emmabuntus-de-i386-jessie-1.01 will do as well?

P.S. What I am doing now, trying to remove unneccessary programs/apps from Emmabuntus3-desktop-14.04.4-1.03, there are so many populating my scarce harddisk space and demandinf galores of updates :'(


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Have you removed the others languages for reduce update ?

Now you can use Ubuntu Tweak on Emma 3 for remove update, and use the last tab on right (Janitor Tab), and see information about this feature at the end of this tutorial : https://www.unixmen.com/after-a-fresh-install-of-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat-configuration-made-easy-with-ubuntu-tweak/


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Thank you! Yes, I did remove unnecessary languages and I will study the tweak.

By the way, I think I know why Emmabuntus Jessie does not work with my mobile USB stick: there is no /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf file. This file is in Emmabuntus 3 and Ubuntu and Debian Jessie. Zut  >:(   ;)


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Ok good idea  ;D

Here the function of usb-modeswitch : http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/

Disconnect the USB 3G, and in a terminal install usb-modeswitch, do this :
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch

After reboot, and make a test to connect the USB 3G.

Effectively this package is present on Emma 3 and not on Emma DE :( but on Emma 3 this package is autoticaly install by an other package ;)


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...Disconnect the USB 3G, and in a terminal install usb-modeswitch, do this:
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch...
Hi Patrick,

Good advice, but how to test it in live mode without internet connection, no wlan let alone wwan? I found a way, downloaded all neccessary deb-files from Debian Jessy Stable with my notebook using wwan, could install usb_modeswitch, with gdebi, but could not restart Emma without loosing the installs. I had intended to install Emma 3 on my old PC and trying the usb_modeswitch gdebi install thing, but my 16 year old machine said bye bye now finally, so it is also bye bye now to Emmabuntüs   :'(
But it was a good learning experience. Thank you again for your help and good luck with your further exploits!


« Modifié: novembre 17, 2016, 05:51:29 pm par emmacub »


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