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Question to RC1 and release version of DE5

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Hello fellows in spirit,

your distribution is my favorite distribution for used PC's because of the universal DEBIAN background, the offline capabilities and the superior appearance you created using the XFCE-desktop.
At the moment I want to prepare a number of PC's with a dual boot configuration of Emmabuntus and Windows 10 (for some special reasons).
My plan is to switch to the Emmabuntus-OS with the needed applications (by using WINE) in the nearer future.
On several notebooks I use Emmabuntus-DE4-1.03, but regarding my installations I would like to use the most up-to-date version of Emmabuntus.

My questions:
1.) Is there any timetable for transferring the Emmabuntus-DE5-RC1 into the DE5 release version?
2.) Or, is it possible to install the Emmabuntüs-DE5-RC1 and to change the installation by means of the integrated update mechanism into the release version of the OS?



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Hello Hans-Peter
1.) Is there any timetable for transferring the Emmabuntus-DE5-RC1 into the DE5 release version?

No calendar. It's like Debian. It comes out when it's ready. But, do not repeat it, it's really very close.

2.) Or, is it possible to install the Emmabuntüs-DE5-RC1 and to change the installation by means of the integrated update mechanism into the release version of the OS?

Unfortunately no, this distribution does not have its own repositories. You will have to wait (very little).
 Otherwise the candidate version (RC1) is really very successful. Maybe it will be sufficient for your needs?
You will have the same updates because they are only those of Debian.                           

Greetings fellow in spirit  ;)   

PC : Desktop HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC | CPU : i7-2600 | RAM : 4GB | GPU : AMD RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650]
OS : emmade5 | Kernel: 6.1
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